

it is a girl name ...


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Yamini (यामिनी)A Beautiful Night
Yamuna (यमुना, यामुना)Jamuna river
(जमुना नदीको अर्को नाम)
Yashawanthi (यशावंथी)With great fame


Yashawini (यशावानी, यशवानी)Successful Women
Yashila (यशिला)Famous
Yashoda (यशोदा )Krishna's mother
(चकचके कृष्णको आमा)
Yeser One who is wealthy and prosperous

Also: Yasera, Yaseria
Yogita (योगिता)One who can concentrate
Yoman (योमन)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Yosana (योसना )Please advise the meaning of this name
(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला ! )
Yubragi (युब्रागी)Prince
Yujina (युजिना)The name Yujina is of Nepalese origin and means "Thanks"
Yumisha (युमिषा)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Yunisa (युनिसा)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला ! )
Yunisha (युनिषा)Philosopher; One who is careful; Beautiful
(दार्शनिक; सुन्दर)
Yuzina (युज़िना)Please advise us the meaning of this name!