Name | Description | Edit |
Machindra (मछिन्द्र) | A saint and yogi in a number of Buddhist and Hindu traditions. He is traditionally considered the founder of hatha yoga as well as the author of some of its earliest texts | |
Madhu | Honey | |
Madhubala | Sweet girl | |
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Mahander (महांदर) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Mahima (महिमा) | Greatness | |
Maina | A bird | |
Maiya | Little Girl | |
Mala | Necklace, Garland | |
Malika | Flower, Queen | |
Malina | Dark | |
Mamata | Affection | |
Mandera (मंदेरा) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Mandira | The name Mandira symbolizes sacredness, spirituality, and devotion. It is often associated with a place of worship or peace, where one finds serenity and connection with the divine. In some contexts, Mandira may also refer to a graceful or beautiful woman, highlighting the harmony and peace that such a person brings into the lives of others. | |
Manika (मनिका) | Of Jewels | |
Manikala (मनिकला) | Gift of God ; Precious Diamond | |
Manisha (मनिषा) <br>(इच्छा) | Goddess of mind; Desire; Intellect (इच्छा) |
Manita (मनिता) <br>(सम्मान, गौरव) | Pride (सम्मान, गौरव) |
Manju | Snow, dew drops | |
Manjushri | Sweet lustre | |
Manjusri <br>(सरस्वति देवीको अर्को नाम) | Saraswati (सरस्वति देवीको अर्को नाम) |
Manorama <br>(आती नै सुन्दरी) | Attractive, beautiful (आती नै सुन्दरी) |
Manu (मानु) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Manuta (मनुता) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Manvi (मानवी ) | The name "Manvi," of Indian origin, is derived from Sanskrit and typically means "human" or "of the mind." It suggests qualities related to thoughtfulness, humanity, and emotional depth. The name can also be associated with "Manvitha," implying someone who is humane and possesses a kind heart. Overall, "Manvi" reflects attributes of intellectual and emotional richness. | |
Manyata (मान्यता) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Marisa | Mother of Daksa | |
Mausam (मौसम) | Season | |
Maushmi | Monsoon wind | |
Mausumi | Beauty, monsoon wind | |
Maya | Love; compassion | |
Meena; Mina | Precious blue stone | |
Meenakshi (मिनाक्षी) | A woman with beautiful eyes | |
Meera; Mira | A devotee of Krishna | |
Megha (मेघा) <br>(बादल; वर्षा; एक तारा) | Cloud; Rain; A Star (बादल; वर्षा; एक तारा) |
Meghana | Cloud | |
Mela | Religious Gathering | |
Melina (मेलिना ) | Please advise us the meaning of this name! | |
Memimsha (मेमिम्षा) <br>(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. (कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) |
Menisha (मनीषा ) <br><br>Also: <em>Manisha</em> | Goddess of desire; Thought, Wisdom Also: Manisha |
Menuka (मेनुका) | Charming; Expressive personality; Affectionate and caring. | |
Mila (मिला) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Mina <br>(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. (कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) |
Mina; Meena | Precious blue stone | |
Minakshi <br>(Kubra भन्नेको होला थाहा भएन) | Fish eyed, daughter of Kubera (Kubra भन्नेको होला थाहा भएन) |
Mira (मिरा) <br>(प्रशंसनीय; शान्ति; महिला शासक; महासागर) | Admirable; Peace; Female ruler; Ocean (प्रशंसनीय; शान्ति; महिला शासक; महासागर) |
Mira; Meera | A devotee of Krishna | |
Mohana (मोहन) | Bewitching, Infatuating, Charming | |
Mohini | The name Mohini comes from Sanskrit, and it means "enchantress" or "one who attracts or charms". It is often used to describe a woman who possesses immense beauty and charm that captivates everyone around her. | |
Mukta | Liberated; pearl | |
Muna (मुना) | Bud | |
Muskan | Smile |