Name | Description | Edit |
Aaarti; Arati (आरती) <br>(उपासना) | Worship (उपासना) |
Aabhya (आभ्य. आभय) | Fearless | |
Aachal (आचल ) | Shelter | |
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Aadarshini (आदर्शिनी) <br>(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला ! ) | Respectful; One who always respect other (कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला ! ) |
Aagya (आग्या) | Order, Discipline | |
Aahana (आहाना) | First ray of the sun; Inner light, Immortal | |
Aahera (आहेरा) <br>(चम्किलो; शानदार) | Dazzling; Brilliant (चम्किलो; शानदार) |
Aaisha (आइषा) | Alive; Well-living; Happily Living | |
Aaista (आइस्ता) | Adorable | |
Aakarti (आकर्ती ) <br>(आकृतिको अर्थ "आकार", "तपाईको छवि", "सुन्दर रूप" र "निर्दोषता" हो। सही अर्थ हो "एक छवि जसले यस पृथ्वीको हरेक सृष्टिको प्रत्येक अन्य रूपरेखालाई बाहिर देखाउँछ चाहे जीवित होस् वा निर्जीव) | Aakriti means "shape", "your image", "beautiful form," and "innocence." The correct meaning is "An image which outshines every other outline of every creation on this earth whether living or non living (आकृतिको अर्थ "आकार", "तपाईको छवि", "सुन्दर रूप" र "निर्दोषता" हो। सही अर्थ हो "एक छवि जसले यस पृथ्वीको हरेक सृष्टिको प्रत्येक अन्य रूपरेखालाई बाहिर देखाउँछ चाहे जीवित होस् वा निर्जीव) |
Aakriti (आकृति) | Aakriti means "shape", "your image", "beautiful form," and "innocence." The correct meaning is "An image which outshines every other outline of every creation on this earth whether living or non living | |
Aanchal (आंचल) | Protective shelter | |
Aarati (आरति) <br>( परमेश्वरको प्रशंसामा गाएको भजनहरू) | Hymns sang in praise of god ( परमेश्वरको प्रशंसामा गाएको भजनहरू) |
Aaravi (आरावी) | Peace, the state of tranquility and harmony | |
Aarogya (आरोग्य) | The one free from diseases; Healthful, Healthy | |
Aarohi (आरोही) | Tone of Music; Also climber in Nepali | |
Aarti (आरती) | Worship, divine fire in ritual | |
Aarubi (आरुबी) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Aarushi (आरुषी) | Calm; Bright; The sun | |
Aasha (आशा) <br><br>Also: <em>Asha</em> | Hope; Desire Also: Asha |
Aashika (आशिक) | Lovable or Lover; One without sorrow, Mercury, Sweet heart, Beloved; Blessings; | |
Aashriya (आश्रिया ) | From the land of god; Most beautiful | |
Aayara (आयारा) | Fortunate; Goodness of Love | |
Aayusha (आयुषा ) | One with long life. | |
Aayushma (आयुष्मा) | Long life | |
Abhilasha (अभिलाषा) | Desire | |
Abhinithi (अभिनिथी) | That which is already been performed; Friendship | |
Abhishikha (अभिशिखा ) <br>(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. (कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) |
Abijisha (अबिजिषा) | Goddess of will, Companion; A companion or a Goddess of will | |
Aditi (अदिति) | Mother of gods | |
Ajita (अजिता) | Invincible, Unconquerable, A Winner | |
Akanksha (आकांक्षा) | In Sanskrit, it means "Desire, wish or want. Originated form Nepal. | |
Akriti (आकृति) | Diagram; Shape | |
Akshada (अक्शादा) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Alayna (अलय्ना) | One who is Precious; Harmony; Beauty and Peace | |
Alija (अलिजा) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Alina (अलिना ) | Originated from Grek it means "light". However, other source attributed to Arabic, Hindi and Nepali means "Noble". | |
Alisha (अलिशा) | Protected by God | |
Aliza (अलिज़ा) | Joy or Joyful | |
Alka (अल्का) | Lock of curly hair | |
Alpana (अल्पना ) | A decorative design | |
Alyana (अल्याना) | One who is Precious; Harmony; Beauty and Peace | |
Ambika (अम्बिका) | Please advise us the meaning of this name! | |
Amina (अमिना) | Honest; Trustworthy | |
Amisha (अमिषा) <br>(सुन्दर) | Beautiful, Without Decipt, Pure (सुन्दर) |
Amisha (Short name Ami or Misha) | Pure | |
Amita (अमिता) <br>(कुनी सिमा नै नभएको) | Limitless (कुनी सिमा नै नभएको) |
Amrita (अमृता) <br>(सधै अमर रहने) | Immortality (सधै अमर रहने) |
Ananya | Without any Other | |
Anchal (अंचल) | The decorative end of a sari | |
Anchita (अन्चिता) <br>(पूजा) | Honoured, Worshipped (पूजा) |
Aneeta (अनीता) <br>(अनुग्रह; जो नयाँ खुशीमा आनन्द लिन्छ) | Grace; One who takes pleasure in new joys (अनुग्रह; जो नयाँ खुशीमा आनन्द लिन्छ) |
Anika | Very beautiful, graceful | |
Anisha (अनिशा, अनिषा) <br>(निरन्तर) | Continuous (निरन्तर) |
Anita | Grace | |
Anjala (अन्जला) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Anjali (अन्जली) | Offering | |
Anjana (अन्जना) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Anjila (अन्जिला) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Anjita (अन्जिता) <br>(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला ! ) | Advise us the meaning of this name. (कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला ! ) |
Anju (अन्जु, अंजु) <br>(तपाइको मुटुमा बस्ने) | One who lives in heart (तपाइको मुटुमा बस्ने) |
Anjuli (अन्जुली) | Offering with both hands clasped | |
Anjushri, Anjushree (अन्जुश्री) <br>(तपाइको मुटुको प्यारो टुक्रा) | Dear to one's heart (तपाइको मुटुको प्यारो टुक्रा) |
Ankita (अंकिता) | Conquered, a signet, symbol | |
Ansu | A Ray | |
Anu (अनु) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Anugya (अनुग्य) | The one with Authority | |
Anupa (अनुपा) | Please advise us the meaning of this name! | |
Anupama (अनुपमा) | Unique; Unparalleled | |
Anusha (कुरूप) <br>(सुन्दर बिहानी) | Beautiful morning, a star (सुन्दर बिहानी) |
Anushka (अनुष्का) | Acceptance | |
Anushri (अनुश्री) <br>(राम्री, चिटिक्क परेकी) | Pretty (राम्री, चिटिक्क परेकी) |
Anuska (अनुष्का) | Grace | |
Anusri (अनुस्री) | Glorious, famous | |
Anusuya (अनुसुया) | Non jealous; Friend of Shakuntala or Wife of the sage "Atri". | |
Aparna (अपर्ण) <br>(भगवान शिवको श्रीमती) | Goddess Parvati (भगवान शिवको श्रीमती) |
Apikshya (अपिक्ष्या) | Wish | |
Apsara (अप्सरा) <br>(आकाशीय प्रथम) | Celestial maiden (आकाशीय प्रथम) |
Apshara (आप्शरा) <br><br>Also: <em>Apsara</em> | A Fairy; Angel;
Female spirit of the clouds and waters in Hindu and Buddhist culture;
A mythological spirit of nature imagined as a beautiful maiden inhabiting rivers, woods, or other locations. Also: Apsara |
Aradhya (आराध्य) <br>(श्रद्धा) | Faith (श्रद्धा) |
Arati (आरति) <br>( परमेश्वरको प्रशंसामा गाएको भजनहरू) | Hymns sang in praise of god ( परमेश्वरको प्रशंसामा गाएको भजनहरू) |
Archana (अर्चना) | Worship | |
Archita ( अर्चिता) <br>(जसको पुजा गरिन्छ) | One who is worshipped (जसको पुजा गरिन्छ) |
Arika (अरिका ) | Waterlily; Beautiful | |
Arishna (अरिश्ना) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Arpana (अर्पणा) <br>(समर्पण) | Dedicated; Gifted, donated; Offering (समर्पण) |
Arpita (अर्पित) <br>(समर्पण) | Dedicate (समर्पण) |
Arti (आरती) <br><br>Also: <em>Arti, Arati, Arathi, Aarthi </em> | Arti is a Hindu religious ritual of worship, a part of puja, in which light from wicks soaked in ghee (purified butter) or camphor is offered to one or more deities. It also refer to the songs sung in praise of the deity, when lamps are being offered. Also: Arti, Arati, Arathi, Aarthi |
Arudhya (अरुध्य) | In Sanskrit, it means "First one" or "one worth worshiping". | |
Aruni (अरुणि) <br>(बिहानी) | Dawn (बिहानी) |
Asha | Hope, Expectation | |
Ashma (अश्मा) | Strength; Rock, Mountain of Rocks | |
Ashmi (आश्मी) | Brave and Strong | |
Ashmita (अश्मिता) | One who is mentally strong | |
Ashna (अशना) <br>(साथी, संगिनी, जीवन साथी) | Friend (साथी, संगिनी, जीवन साथी) |
Ashrina ( अश्रिना) | Royalty | |
Ashwini | A star | |
Asita | The river Yamuna | |
Aslisa (अस्लिसा) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Asmita (अस्मिता) | Pride | |
Avanie (अवानी) | Aura of Warmth, Fortitude, and Genorosity. | |
Avishek (अविशेक) | In Nepalese, Avishek means "Holy water". | |
Ayesha (आयेशा) | Wife of the Prophet | |
Ayushma (आयुष्मा) | Long and Healthy life; Long Lived; Offering; Divine beauty |