Name | Description | Edit |
Kaayana (कायना, कायाणा) | Please advise us the meaning of this name! | |
Kabin (कबिन) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Kabita (कविता) | A beautiful poem | |
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Kabya (काब्य) <br><br>Also: <em>Kavya</em> | Poetry; Expressing of feelings and idea. Also: Kavya |
Kajal <br>(आखामा लगाउने कालो लाली जसले गर्दा आखा झन् ठुलो र राम्री देखिन्छ) | Eyeliner (आखामा लगाउने कालो लाली जसले गर्दा आखा झन् ठुलो र राम्री देखिन्छ) |
Kala | Art | |
Kali | A bud, A Black Beauty | |
Kalpana (कल्पना) | Beautiful Dream | |
Kamala (कमला) | Lotus or pale red | |
Kamana (कामना) | Wish, Best Wishes | |
Kanti | Lustre | |
Kanya | A maiden | |
Karishma | Miracle | |
Karuna (करुणा) | One who is full of compassion; Kind, Merciful, Generous | |
Kashmira (कश्मिरा) | Soft cloth, fine cloth made of wool , soft | |
Kavini <br>(कविको श्रीमती वा कविता लेख्ने आइमाई) | Composes beautiful poems (कविको श्रीमती वा कविता लेख्ने आइमाई) |
Kavita <br>(सुन्दर,र मिठो कविता) | A beautiful poem (सुन्दर,र मिठो कविता) |
Kavya (काव्य) | Poet, Poem | |
Kengal (केंगल, केन्गल) | Please advise us the meaning of this name! | |
Kesari | Saffron; a lion | |
Ketana | Home | |
Khagisara (खगिसरा) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Khuma (खुमा) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Khushi (खुशी ) | Happiness; The one who always biring happiness | |
Kirti | Fame | |
Kishori | A young girl | |
Kiya <br>(कुहु कुहु) | The cooing of a bird (कुहु कुहु) |
Komal (कोमल) | As delicate as flower | |
Komala | Delicate | |
Koyel | The cuckoo | |
Kranti | Revolution | |
Krestina (क्रेस्तिना) | Please advise us the meaning of this name | |
Krinjal (क्रिन्जल) | God gifted; One who is of a very independent nature | |
Kripa <br>(दया, माया) | Mercy (दया, माया) |
Krisha (कृषा) | Divine; One who is very pleasing and delightful | |
Krishala (कृशाला) | Diamond | |
Krishma (करिश्मा) | Another name of Lord Krishna | |
Krishna Gopal (कृष्ण गोपाल ) | Please advise us the meaning of this name! | |
Krisuna (कृसुना) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Kriteena (कृतीना) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Krithya | Action | |
Kriti | A work of art | |
Kritika (कृतिका) | Extremes in fortune, health and spirituality; Name of Star; The plaids | |
Kritima (कृतिमा) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Kritisha (क्रितिषा) <br>(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला ! ) | Advise us the meaning of this name. (कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला ! ) |
Kriya | Performance | |
Krupa | Grace, favour | |
Kumari | Youthful, unmarried | |
Kundan (कुन्दन) | Pure; Purity | |
Kunti <br>(पाँच पाण्डबको आमा) | The mother of the Pandavas (पाँच पाण्डबको आमा) |
Kushala (कुशला) | One who is good physically, mentally and emotionally; Skillful; Clever | |
Kusum | A flower; A flower that blossom at night |