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Iha The earth
India (इंडिया)Please advise us the meaning of the name.
(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला ! )
Indira Goddess Lakshmi
(लक्ष्मीको Nickname)


Indu Moon
Induja Narmada river
Indukala Digit of the moon
Inna (इन्ना )Please advise us the meaning of this name!
Iris Iris: circular structure in the eye
Isha The Goddess Durga; one who protects; female energy
Ishana/Ishani Rich; Parvati, wife of Shiva
Ishani Parvati, wife of Lord Shiva
(शिवजीको श्रीमतीको फेरि अर्को Nickname)
Ishanya North east
Ishika Brush; sacred pen; Belongs to God
Ishita Mastery; Wealth
Ishna (इश्ना)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Ishreya (इश्रेया)Blessings of god
Ishwari Goddess