it is a boy name ...
Suggested by other users like you. (May not be accurate. Please use your own judgement.)
Name | Description | Edit |
Nabaraj (नबराज) | New Kingdom, New King, New Rule | |
Nabraj (नबराज) <br>(नयाँ राजा; नया आज्ञा)<br><br>Also: <em>Nabaraj</em> | New king; New order (नयाँ राजा; नया आज्ञा) Also: Nabaraj |
Nadin | Lord of rivers | |
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Nagarjun (नगरजुन ) | Best among the snakes | |
Nagendra | Seshnag | |
Namita (नमिता) | Please advise us the meaning of this name! | |
Nand (नन्द) | Joyful | |
Nani (नानी) <br>(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला ! ) | Advise us the meaning of this name. (कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला ! ) |
Nanish (ननिश ) | Eyes of God | |
Narahari | Lord Vishnu | |
Narayan | Lord Vishnu | |
Narendra | King of men | |
Naresh (नरेश) | Lord of man | |
Narman (नर्मन) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Natwar (नटवर) | Lord Krishna | |
Naval | Wonder | |
Navin; Naveen <br>(नया) | New (नया) |
Navneet (नवनीत) <br>(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) | Please advise us the meaning of the name. (कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) |
Nawadit (नवादित) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Nawraj (नवराज) | New Kingdom, New King, New Rule | |
Nayan (नयन) | They eye; Vision | |
Nebik (निबेक) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Neel | A Deep Blue | |
Neelambar; Nilambar <br>(नीलो आकाश) | Blue sky (नीलो आकाश) |
Neelanjan; Nilanjan | Blue | |
Neelesh | Lord Krishna; moon | |
Neelprada | It means cool beans. also known as awesomeness | |
Neeraj | Lotus | |
Neeta (नीता) <br><br>Also: <em>Nita</em> | Upright; Within Rules; Well-behaved, Guided & Modest. Also: Nita |
Nehan (नेहान) | One with a beautiful eyes. | |
Nepal (नेपाल) <br>(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) | Please advise the meaning of this name (कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) |
Nibesh (निवेश) <br>(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) | Please advise us the meaning of the name. (कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) |
Nigam | Treasure | |
Nikesh (निकेश) | Great lord Vishnu; Hindu god | |
Niketan (निकेतन) <br>(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. (कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) |
Nikhil (निखिल) | Complete, Whole | |
Nilay | Heaven | |
Nilesh | Krishna, blue god | |
Nimesh (निमेष) | Blink of an eye; As quick as an Blink of an eye | |
Nimish | Spilt-second | |
Nimlesh (निम्लेश) | The Blue God; Another name of Lord Vishnu or Shiva | |
Nimtenzi (निम्तेंज़ी) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Nipun (निपुण) | One who is expert, proficient, skilful and clever. | |
Niraj | Lotus flower | |
Nirajan (निरञ्जन) | Niranjan means spotless, good, pure, Supreme being, unpainted, devoid of all objectifications, without any bad quality (attributes), active, truthful, great, a gift of God. | |
Nirajit | Illuminated | |
Niral | Unique | |
Niran (निरन) | Everlasting | |
Niranjan | Simple | |
Nirav (नीरव) | Calm and Quiet; Without sound | |
Niraz (निरज ) <br><br>Also: <em>Niraj</em> | Lotus, Flower; Peal; One who is born from water Also: Niraj |
Nirbhaya (निर्भय) | "Nir" means no and "bhaya" means fear; so the name means Fearless | |
Nirdesh (निर्देश) | One who shows the path or One who leads people in the right direction. | |
Nirjal (निर्जल) | Purity | |
Nirmal | Clean, pure | |
Nirnav (निर्नव) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Niru (निरु) | Holy water; Beauty of Heavenly Goddess | |
Nirvaan (निर्वाण) <br><br>Also: <em>Nirvan</em> | The act of freeing someone or something from another's control. Also: Nirvan |
Nirvan (निर्वाण) | Liberation | |
Nirwan (निर्वाण) | Bliss; Liberation | |
Nischal (निश्चल) | Please advise use the meaning of this name! | |
Nishan (निशान) | Nishan has different meaning. In Nepali, it means "cross, sign, mark". However, in Ethiopia it means "award, medal". In Muslim, it also means "golden, perfect" | |
Nishant | Dawn | |
Nishesh (निशेष) | Please advise us the meaning of this name | |
Nitesh (नितेश) | God of law; One well versed in law | |
Nitin | Master of the right path | |
Nitish (नितिश) | The name Nitish means Follower Of The Correct Way and is of Nepalese origin. | |
Nivaj (निवज) | Ray of sun | |
Nodaraj (नोदराज) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Nojal (नोजल ) | Unique | |
Nomraj (नोमराज) | Please advise us the meaning of this name | |
Nuruddin (नुरुद्दीन) <br><br>Also: <em>Nurudin</em> | Light or the brightness of the faith Also: Nurudin |
Nurudin (नुरुदीन) <br><br>Also: <em>Nuruddin</em> | Light of the faith Also: Nuruddin |