Name | Description | Edit |
Aabesh (आबेश) | Anger; Rage; Short-Tempered | |
Aabishkar (आविष्कार) | One with a creative ability; Unique or Novel | |
Aadarsha (आदर्श) | Idol; Mentor; With An Ideology | |
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Aadesh (आदेश) | Command; message | |
Aadit (आदित) <br>(नया सुरुवात ) | New Starting; Beginning (नया सुरुवात ) |
Aaditya (आदित्य) | Sun; As bright as the Sun; Belonging to Aditi | |
Aagat (आगत) | Future | |
Aakar (आकार) | Shape | |
Aakash (आकाश) | The Sky | |
Aakash, Akash <br>(आकाश) | Sky (आकाश) |
Aarab (आरब) | One who is capacious and powerful; Water-filled Cannel | |
Aarav (आराव) | The name Aarav means Peaceful; Calm Sound and is of Nepalese origin. | |
Aaron (आरोन) | A person or their rank or status at a high or powerful level. | |
Aaronsh (आरोंष, आरोन्श) | Lofty; exalted; high mountain | |
Aarsan (आर्सन) <br><br>Also: <em>Arsan</em> | Prince; Kind Also: Arsan |
Aarshav (आर्शव) | Truthfulness; Bright; Pure; Worshipped, Divine; With regal dignity and power | |
Aartish (आर्तिश) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Aarus (आरुस) | First ray of the sun | |
Aarush (आरुष ) | The name "Aarush" is of Sanskrit origin and means "first ray of the sun" or "radiant." It signifies the dawn or the beginning of a new day, symbolizing brightness, hope, and a fresh start. The name reflects qualities of light, energy, and positivity, embodying the warmth and new beginnings associated with the sun's first light. | |
Aarusha (आरुशा, आरूषा) | First rays of the morning sun which is life giving | |
Aaryaman (आर्यमन) <br>(जीवन साथी; घनिष्ठ मित्र; खेल्ने साथी; साथी) | Life-Partner; Close friend; Play-fellow; Companion (जीवन साथी; घनिष्ठ मित्र; खेल्ने साथी; साथी) |
Aaryan (आर्यन) | Of Aryan desent | |
Aash Narayan [Newari] | The God of Hope | |
Aashima (आशिम) | Infinity | |
Aashish (आशिष) | Blessings | |
Aashwin (आश्विन) <br><br>Also: <em>Ashwin, Aswin</em> | Derived form Sanskrit it is the seventh month of the Lunar Hindu Calendar (Bikram Samvat - B. C calendar). It also means: "spear, lance" and "friend, protector, lord" Also: Ashwin, Aswin |
Aavash (आवश) <br>(जागरूकता; परावर्तन) | Awareness; Reflection (जागरूकता; परावर्तन) |
Aayan (आयन) | Start, New beginning; Gift of God | |
Aayush (आयुष) | Long Life or Blessing. | |
Abeer (अबीर) | Colour, Colourful | |
Abhay (अभय) | Fearless; Brave | |
Abheek or Abhik | Fearless Warload | |
Abhiman (अभिमान) | Pride, Desire, Self respect; Perception of one's prestige or dignity and power. | |
Abhinanda | To rejoice; To celebrate; To praise; To bless | |
Abhinav (अभिनव) | Quite new | |
Abhinyush (अभिन्युश) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Abhirup (अभिरूप) | Pleasing | |
Abhishek (अभिषेक) | Shower of Milk; Water over an idol | |
Abichal (अविचल) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Abinab (अभिनव) <br><br>Also: <em>Abhinav</em> | In Sanskrit Abhinab means "very young", "quite new", "unique", "clever", and "bright". Also: Abhinav |
Abinash (अविनाश) <br>(अनन्त; अमर; जो अविनाशी छ) | Eternal; Immortal; One who is indestructible
(अनन्त; अमर; जो अविनाशी छ) |
Abiraj (अबिराज) | Saviour of Man; Fearless King | |
Abiral (अविरल ) <br>(अन्तनै नभएको) | Never Ever Ending (अन्तनै नभएको) |
Abishek (अविशेक) <br>(हिन्दू र बौद्ध धर्ममा पूजा गर्ने विधि) | A method of worship in Hinduism and Buddhism (हिन्दू र बौद्ध धर्ममा पूजा गर्ने विधि) |
Abishekh (अबिशेख, अविशेख) | Denotes a method of worship in Hinduism where an auspicious bath is take fr aa deity; Ritual | |
Achut | Imperishable; A name of Vishnu | |
Achyut (अच्युत) | Imperishable; A name of Vishnu | |
Adarsh <br>(सुर्य) | Ideal (सुर्य) |
Adesh (आदेश) | Command | |
Adit (अदित) | From the beginning; Peak | |
Aditya | Sun | |
Adnan (आद्नन) | Stay, Abide; Pioneer | |
Advik (अदविक ) | Unique | |
Agam (अगम) | Unique | |
Agrim (अग्रिम) | Leader, commander; One who is always ahead | |
Ahijit | Conquerer of the serpent | |
Ahilan (अहिलन) | Knowledgeable; Commanding | |
Ainesh | The sun's glory | |
Ajay (अजय) <br>(अजेय) | Unconquerable, invincible (अजेय) |
Ajit | Unconquerable (Ajeet) | |
Ajit, Ajeet (अजित, अजीत) | Unconquerable | |
Ajoy (अजोय) | Unconquerable | |
Akash, Aakash <br>(भनेको आकाश; जब तपाई खुला मैदानबाट माथि हेर्दा देखिने निलो कुरा) | Sky (भनेको आकाश; जब तपाई खुला मैदानबाट माथि हेर्दा देखिने निलो कुरा) |
Akhil | Complete | |
Akhilesh | Indestructible; Immortal | |
Aklesh (अकलेश) | King of all | |
Akram (अक्रम) | Generosity; Most Generous | |
Akrit (आकृत ) | Helping Others; One who is helpful | |
Albish (अल्बिश ) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Alok (आलोक) | In Sanskrit it means "Light", "Brightness", and "Enlightenment". | |
Amal | Bright, clean, pure | |
Aman (अमन) <br>(शान्ति) | Peace, Calm, Shanti, Tranquillity, Fulfilled (शान्ति) |
Amar (अमर) | Forever, Immortal | |
Amesh <br>(हिजडा) | Hijada; Man without balls (हिजडा) |
Amish (अमिश, अमिष ) | Honest | |
Amit (अमित) | Endless, Boundless | |
Amnish (अम्निश) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Amol (अमोल) | Priceless, Valuable | |
Amrit (अमृत) | Nectar; (in Hindu,Greek and Roman mythology) the drink of the gods that will make one immortal | |
Amulya (अमुल्य) <br>(कुनै मूल्य नै नभएको - अनमोल ) | Priceless, Precious, Valuable (कुनै मूल्य नै नभएको - अनमोल ) |
Anamol (अनमोल) <br>(कुनै मूल्य नै नभएको - अनमोल ) | Priceless (कुनै मूल्य नै नभएको - अनमोल ) |
Aniket | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Anil (अनिल) | God of Wind | |
Anish (अनिश) | Supreme | |
Anjal (अन्जल) <br>(ईश्वरको दूत; नाम एन्जिल को एक संस्करण) | Messenger of God; A variant of name Angel (ईश्वरको दूत; नाम एन्जिल को एक संस्करण) |
Anjan (अन्जन) <br>(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) | Unknown, Undisclosed, Untold (कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) |
Anjit (अन्जित) | The name "Anjit" originates from Sanskrit, where "An" often signifies a positive attribute and "Jit" means "victorious" or "conqueror." Together, "Anjit" can be interpreted as "one who is victorious" or "one who is not defeated," reflecting a sense of triumph and success. | |
Ankit (अंकित) | Represented; Specified | |
Anshu (अंशु) | The Ray of Sun | |
Ansuman (अन्सुमान ) | The Sun; Lord Surya (Sun) | |
Anu (अनु) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Anubhav (अनुभव) | A Beautiful Experience; Great Experience; | |
Anuj | Younger brother | |
Anup (अनुप) | In Sanskrit the name Anup means: 'watery', 'situated near the water', 'bank of a river', 'pond', 'lagoon' | |
Anupam | Incomparable | |
Anush (अनुष) | Beautiful morning or Star or Following desires | |
Anwesh (अन्वेष) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Arbin (अरबिन) | King of water | |
Arhan (आर्हन) <br>(कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. (कृपयायो नामको अर्थ हलिदिनुहोला !) |
Arhant | Destroyer of enemies | |
Aria (आरिया) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Arista (अरिस्ता) | In greek it means "the best" but in Latin it means "harvest." | |
Arjun (अर्जुन) | In Sanskrit it means "bright, shining, white, focus, clear". It is also derived from the name Arjuna, a warrior-hero in Hindu mythology from the Mahabharata. | |
Arpan (अर्पण) | Offering; The act of one who offers | |
Arsan (आर्सन) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Arun | Sun; mythical charioteer of the sun; dawn | |
Aryadhit (अर्यधित) <br>(सूर्य) | The Sun (सूर्य) |
Aryan (आर्यन) | Originally spelt "Arian", this name is borrowed from the Sanskrit word ārya (आर्य) which means "honorable". In Iranian, it also means "warrior" | |
Ashim (अशिम) | Boundless; Endless; Unlimited. | |
Ashish (आशिश) | Blessing | |
Ashok (अशोक) <br><br>Also: <em>Ashoka</em> | Emperor of the Maurya Dynasty, who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent from c. 268 to 232 BCE. Also: Ashoka |
Ashoksamir (अशोक्समिर) | The silent star | |
Ashu (अशु) | Quick; One who is happy | |
Ashwin (आश्विन) | In Sanskrit, Ashwin means "light". It is also name of a month in Bikram Samvat calendar. In Thai, Ashwin (also known as Asaween) means "brave knight". | |
Asphak (अस्फाक) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Atal (अटल) | The person who leads or commands a group, organisation, or country; Hero; Guide | |
Atma | Soul | |
Atul | Matchless | |
Avaya (अभय) <br>(निडर) | Fearless (निडर) |
Avhyudaya (अव्ह्युदय) | Rising Sun; A Great Beginning | |
Awanish (अवानिष, अवानिश) | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Ayaan (आयान) | Start; New Beginning | |
Ayan (आयन) | Start; New Beginning | |
Ayansh (अयंश) <br>(प्रकाशको पहिलो किरण; भगवानको अंश) | The first Ray of light; Part of God (प्रकाशको पहिलो किरण; भगवानको अंश) |
Ayush (आयुष) <br>(दीर्घायु) | Long Life (दीर्घायु) |